● 一次性完成阀门多个孔的加工,适用于批量生产。
Complete the processing of multiple holes of valve at one time,suitable for mass production
● 采用数控系统控制,操作简单。
Controlled by CNC system, easy to operate.
● 装夹采用三爪卡盘,装夹方便、适用范围广。
The clamping is made of three-jaw chuck,whiich is convenient and widely applicable.
● 机床采用全封闭式防护外罩,防水效果***性好,配有螺杆式屑器,排泄及时、方便。
The machine adopts fully enclosed protective outer cover, which has good waterproof effect, and is equipped with a screw chip,which can be excreted in a timely and convenient manner.
● 各滑动面使用自动润滑泵装置,确保机床的使用寿命。
Use automatic lubricating pump for each sliding surface to ensure the service life of the machine tool.