● 适合于批量零件加工、钻孔、攻牙一次性完成,效率高。
Applicable to machine component processing, drilling, tapping at one time with efficiency.
● 工作台滑座采用气缸并配以缓冲,震动小,采用气动夹模,装夹快捷。
The slide base of working table uses air cylinder with buffer and pneumatic clamping, less vibration and clamping fast.
● 滑台采用高频淬火,配以润滑,性能更佳。
The better effect of our slide base using -frequency quenching with lubrication.
● 可选用AC-KT126x2加工器,实现双钻双攻。
It can achieve the function of Double-drilling and Double-tapping with the AC-KT126*2 processor.
● 液晶控制面板可体现加工产品总数量。
The total quantities of processing products can be reflected on the LCD control Panel.