Plastic (PE) pipes in coal mining压力等级:煤矿井下用供水排水、压风、喷浆管材公称压力为0.4MPa~1.6 MPa,抽放瓦斯气体管材的高公称压力为-0.097MPa。
Pressure grade: the nominal pressure of the water supply and drainage, pressure ventilation and spraying pipes in coal mining is 0.4MPa~1.6 MPa; the maximum nominal pressure of methane gas drainage pipes is -0.097MPa.
Specification and model: dn20mm~dn1200mm
执行标准: MT558.1-2005《煤矿井下用塑料管材第1部分:聚乙烯管材》、MT181-1988《煤矿井下用塑料管安全性能检验规范》。
Executive standards: MT558.1-2005 Plastic Pipes in Coal Mining — Part 1: Polyethylene Pipes and MT181-1988 Code for the Test on Plastic Pipe Safety Property for Coal Mining.
Specification and dimension: the nominal pressure, specification and dimension of water supply and drainage (KS), pressure ventilation (KF) and spraying (KJ) pipes in coal mining meet the requirements in tables 1 and 2.